Raid cooldowns addon

Raid cooldowns addon

Post 22 Aug 2011 13:42

Avatar edgelator
Posts: 1
Im currently raid leading on a hunter. As im sure you know serious raid damage is predicatable in Firelands, explosion of moltern seeds, alyzrazor taking off etc and i want to be able to monitor the cd on my druids tranq and warriors r.cry etc. It would also be useful to know cd on innervate and mana tide planning for healers going oom.

Do you know of an addon that i can use to easily display this sort of thing in similar fashion to below?

Ryan - Tranq: 0.53
Peter - Mana tide: AVAILABLE
Tom - Rallying cry: 2.10

To my knowledge DBM has an option for this but it's unclear and merged in with other boss abilities.

Re: Raid cooldowns addon

Post 22 Aug 2011 13:53

Avatar Heimohuima
Posts: 6
Ora3 works fine for me, with this addon you can choose which abilities you want to track.

Re: Raid cooldowns addon

Post 10 Oct 2011 19:31

Avatar jokerfmj
Posts: 40
TrackCooldowns is something I found recently and it works well. You can select which CD's you want to monitor and which ones you don't. By default it has all of them selected (everything from barkskin, to mind freeze, bone shield, etc... from the most basic personal CD to a long raid CD).

It also stacks in a similar manner to Elk Buff Bars and you can move it around to your liking. It's quite simple, clean, and easy to use.