Tank-Pull-Timer (sejta)

Tank-Pull-Timer (sejta)

Post 29 Aug 2011 20:18

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Posts: 1
I recently watched your FL stream over at manaflask.com. Above all I admire that perfection you expose in playing. It was a pleasure watching your members reacting and moving right on the spot.

In one video at manaflask - Part 3 at http://manaflask.com/article/1136/vod-p ... iveraid-en - there's a wipe at Staghelm and one could watch Arx rejoining the raid, rebuffing and so on. A few seconds before the fight starts - should be around 00:15:14 - a timer is displayed on Arx's UI - obviously initiated by sejta (as the Bossmod-Message claims a pull timer from sejta). I just wondered what it was. Was it done by using some integrated function of your bossmod or something else? Though this is just a very tiny thing I just thought it simply calms the pull a bit (and usually my attempt is to have the raid as quiet and calm as possible).

I apologize for such a simple question far beyond the (I guess) expected ones :) Hope you don't mind.

My best regards and keep up the adorable work

Re: Tank-Pull-Timer (sejta)

Post 29 Aug 2011 21:53

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Posts: 201
It's a bigwigs timer. The command is /bwcb <time in seconds> <message> so /bwcb 10 pull.