Ranged dps UI discussion

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 07 Nov 2010 11:55

Avatar Shotfromhell
Posts: 3
Hello. :) Kruf are you using the same Ui like before in cataclysm ?

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 08 Nov 2010 07:40

User avatarHermanni
Posts: 341
Because I've had a massive amount of requests, I've uploaded most of what is my UI. It's not perfectly similar to the rather crude UI I had in my recently reinstalled beta in Cho'gall and Nefarian's end movies, but if you prefer those I'm sure you can get there from this.

Screenshots: Here and here without the ugly bars

Basically, I'm not a fan of fancy frames or beautiful borders and backgrounds but prefer function over the looks. This isn't a well-built addon pack with a theme other than purposefulness but just a stash of AddOns I like, none of it really is part of a bigger picture.

How to roll with it: Unlock Bartender bars and set up your binds and spells, put your important cooldowns to the big bottom bar and less important ones to the right or wherever you prefer them. If you're confident about remembering your keybinds you can just untoggle Always Visible and hide the normal action bars. Set up PowerAuras for your class/spec and (re)make your favorite macros. If you heal, you probably want to remake the Grid. The most important parts are your cooldowns on the bottom, your auras over the target frame and your PowerAuras.

If you like to sometimes (or often) play with your sound on, put the folder named sound to your /World of Warcraft/Data/<language>/ -folder, <language> being whichever language you use (enGB, enUS and so on). This disables the silly clicking and whooshing sounds you get when you press a button of a spell that is on a cooldown or try to cast while still on global cooldown or something.

PowerAuras are the backbone of this UI, it actually is one of my favorite AddOns of all times. To me it's one of the best mods for <your class here>, one of the best PvP mods and one of the best PvE mods. You can use it not only to keep up with all your abilities, cooldowns, procs and buffs but it also helps greatly in different boss encounters. I however reinstalled recently so there is nearly nothing made by me and you'll have to set it up yourself. It's easily worth the effort, though.

Also, a handy macro I like:

/script UIErrorsFrame:UnregisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE");
/console CameraDistanceMaxFactor 5

Turns off the red error text (that skill isn't ready yet, you can't do that yet, blahblah) with the handy camera macro, bound to some vanity key.

List of AddOns used:
Shadowed Unit Frames

Those marked with (*) are the ones you really want to configure yourself.

What is missing:
DrainSoulTimer (broken last time I checked)
Tooltip addon (mine broke in 4.0.1)
ActionBarSaver (forgot to add it, it's nice though)
Ora2 (same as above)
CustomConsolidateBuffs (One of my favorites, it allows you choose which buffs go to the Consolidated Buffs frame in the Blizzard's Buff Frames, which in my opinion is the neatest thing that happened to buff frames since... ever. However this is broken by recent patches at the time I'm writing this.)

Download Link

If something is missing or broken just let me know and I'll try to fix it. If it doesn't work on your resolution, I'm sorry, but you're going to have to readjust yourself.

Note: Should work in beta.
Last edited by Hermanni on 09 May 2011 22:52, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 08 Nov 2010 11:14

Avatar Skullcan
Posts: 11
Ty so much for the attention and time Manni!

Now plz stop playing so pro or we'll get more nerfs!!


Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 10 Nov 2010 17:27

Avatar Emanuel095
Posts: 22
Hey Manni. Is it possible to upload it to another site, since the current one is broken? :p

EDIT: For some reason my country blocked it or something, but I managed to download it now :) Thanks!

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 10 Nov 2010 18:46

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357
In case it doesn't work for people, I upped it on my server: http://www.plattenkiste.org/UI.rar

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 15 Nov 2010 02:21

Avatar Neukhia
Posts: 2
Any elemental shaman from the guild that could share his UI?

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 22 Nov 2010 13:24

Avatar Game92
Posts: 12
Hello here is my UI Its lightwiegt, simple lets keep it like that.

http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/4020/w ... 195127.jpg - Raid Frames

http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/63/w ... 195314.jpg - Party Frames the "1" is the stack on shadow orb on the player frame ;)

Download Link: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/i ... thhUI.html

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 22 Nov 2010 16:07

User avatarmeth
Posts: 357
Game92: If you want it to be lightweight, why do you display the useless 3D faces of your char and the target?

<ringuh> i try to avoid being sober when doing any kinda pugs

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 25 Nov 2010 11:42

Avatar Skullcan
Posts: 11
I think he is talking about to be a "Clean" Ui..

Nice UI.. just missing something at bottom right to be "perfect suit".. but GJ.

Re: Ranged dps UI discussion

Post 01 Dec 2010 19:13

User avatarKyy
Posts: 158
Neukhia wrote:Any elemental shaman from the guild that could share his UI?

Sick ele UI

Not too happy with my current UI. Need to fix it a bit for cata

Resto UI

Using that one while I heal. More complete then the ele one

Hating with passion