My ui and some tips?

My ui and some tips?

Post 19 Jul 2010 14:19

Avatar Braten
Posts: 1
Hello guys from Paragon and other peeps this is my ui.

Im a elemental shaman from darksorrow pvp.

Check out my Ui and give me for some new updates!
My Resolution is 1280x1024 when i use my screen instead of my laptop.
My laptop resolution is 1600x1200. ... 63728.jpg/

CHEERS!/from braten.

Re: My ui and some tips?

Post 19 Jul 2010 15:55

User avatarxenophics
Posts: 551
Hi Braten,

First of all you should pay attention to your action bars - do you really need to have all your buttons visible or would it be enough to only see the ones with cooldowns (for example)? Myself I've hidden the bars which have buttons for my buffs (stamina, spirit and shadow protection buffs, inner fire and vampric embrace).

The important buttons I want to see are the ones with abilities that have a cooldown. I imagine you'd want to put stuff like your lava burst and shocks so that you'll be able to see when the abilities come off from cooldown.

Also try hiding your bag buttons and the Blizzard buttons. I don't know what addon you are using but with Bartender you can make them fade out and become visible when you scroll over them. That way you get more room to the bottom of your UI which you can use for something else. Keep in mind that pretty much everything can be binded, clicking is rarely needed.

Second - do you really need that big of a recount? You could try making it a bit smaller. Also, I don't see you having Omen anywhere.

One thing as well, is it easy for you to follow your flame shock duration with that UI? I can only see it on your targets debuffs and that's too small for me at least. You could try an addon like NeedToKnow to get bars for your important debuffs and cooldowns you need to track.

These thoughts go for raiding and are only my opinion. My UI can be found from caster UI thread if you want to check it out. See also our other casters' UIs for their decisions to show and place the important stuff you need while raiding.