Druid discussion

Re: Druid discussion

Post 23 Apr 2010 21:03

User avatarXodan
Posts: 64

If you are not yet arp hardcapped and the cryptmaker is also ilvl277, I'd say it's probably better than Distant Land, mostly because arp > rest of the puny stats for ferals. But it depends of your other stats as well, so I can't be certain. I'd suggest you run your numbers with both weapons through Rawr or Toskk's DPS method and see, which gives better dps.

Being hitcapped as a feral is not a strict requirement, as it is for some other classes. First goal is to hardcap arp and then try to scrape together some other stats too. As there are a distinct lack of arp/hit gear in ICC, hit is not an easy stat to cap. Some like to cap hit as it makes the "rotation" a bit easier, when you don't have to worry about misses, but personally I don't mind. I usually run different items through Toskk's and see, which gives better dps and go with that. Hope this helps.

Re: Druid discussion

Post 26 Apr 2010 13:18

Avatar Ragas
Posts: 1
Hello Druids of Paragon,

I have a very simple question. I noticed that your resto druids still do not have the Light of Dawn achievement (LK HK). I saw several comments from your community why resto druids were not used in your first kills of LK HC, my questions is this are you planning to use a druid healer for that fight or they (druid healers) are so much handicapped compared to other healers that it is not worth it. I understand that at one point that you will probably bring one but I am trying to understand how handycapped you consider Trees to be.

Thank you for your help and good luck on your future endeavours.


Re: Druid discussion

Post 27 Apr 2010 21:49

Avatar Gellea
Posts: 2
Hey lappe heres my armory i was wondering if you see anything i should improve my gear haste crit wise http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... &cn=Gellea

Re: Druid discussion

Post 29 Apr 2010 19:17

User avatararx
Posts: 273
Ragas wrote:I understand that at one point that you will probably bring one but I am trying to understand how handycapped you consider Trees to be.

I'm usually playing my paladin on LK, and I suppose Anaram doesn't feel too strongly about it (either). If memory serves me right, we would have brought a tree for our 3rd kill had skipping been an issue. Fitting a tree wouldn't have been anything major with the 10% buff after a few kills, and now with 15% the class handicap is probably mostly irrelevant.

edit: Apparently he was on the last kill, I was afk.
Last edited by arx on 29 Apr 2010 19:59, edited 1 time in total.

arx / xaar

Re: Druid discussion

Post 29 Apr 2010 19:23

User avatararx
Posts: 273
Trish wrote:I've been seeing a lot of resto druids Sanguine Silk Robes (i277) over Vestmeants of Spruce and Fir (i264), its a Spirit and spell power upgrade, but a haste loss. Is it worth it?

Second is it worth meeting all socket bonuses, or is it better to just gem straight spell power?

You should use Sanguine Silk Robes, as the budget is considerably larger. You can just gem haste instead if you drop too low from the transition.

Meeting socket bonuses is mostly a matter of mana management (and haste). If you have enough mana and haste without gems, straight SP would certainly be more throughput. Personally I like the leeway the extra mana brings, so I opt to still go with unicorns and rainbows for sockets.

Gear also serves a much less important role for a healer than for a dps, so the consequences for a choice like this are pretty minor in practice.

PS. Sorry for the slow replies, busy times.

arx / xaar

Re: Druid discussion

Post 29 Apr 2010 20:04

Avatar Yazwa
Posts: 4
[Dislodged Foreign Object] is this good for boomkin and if yes shall i get more then 578 haste?

here is my armory link : http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet ... m&cn=Qotek

atm i have
-muradin glass 10 man(hc)
-Purified Lunar Dust(60 emblems)

and is Nibelung better then Frozen Bonespike+Scourgelord's Baton(normal)

Re: Druid discussion

Post 30 Apr 2010 01:43

User avatarlappe
Posts: 254
DFOis BiS with PNL

Nibelung is generally better if you dont need the hit from Scourgelord's Baton, though it all depends on luck

Re: Druid discussion

Post 30 Apr 2010 08:12

Avatar Yazwa
Posts: 4
And how much haste should i have. Druid from my realm told me to go about 820, on some forums i have seen that cap is about 578. And then rotation now when my wrath is under 1 sec then should i cast it druing eclispe or spam starfire if natures grace is up?

Re: Druid discussion

Post 01 May 2010 02:04

Avatar pitbull
Posts: 3
Im the 2nd tank for my guild, with a warrior 1st. Either I am having a problem with aoe threat or bears are just getting screwed. the warrior, being first tank in every situation, has a trash tank spec and a boss tank spec, and his trash tank spec pulls probobly 3-4 times as much threat as me. Plus, once i'm not getting hit I'm not getting rage, and so i kind of just sit there. I recently dropped feral instinct to put the points elsewhere, because it seemed so hopeless. What does your guild do on trash pulls? are you a major aoe tanker for your guild? If so, what could i be missing other than swiping and tabtarget+maul?