Holy Spec and Trinkets

Holy Spec and Trinkets

Post 18 Jan 2011 15:34

Avatar Pallybot
Posts: 3
Question to smirk io or diamond

Just wondering if there is a set down Spec for holy healing that is very good or they all more or less the same ie 31/5/5 or 31/3/7 or the various others that are around.

Anything in my gear or spec which could be bettter any tips would be welcome :) from pros
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... bot/simple

also ive currently got 3 trinkets the DMC:T, Jar and Tyrande's Doll. Should i worry about getting Core or Ripeness at all or just use those 3 trinkets in different combinations depends if i have a shaman in the raid or not.

Khaz'Goroth US