Holy Paladin Weapon Choices

Holy Paladin Weapon Choices

Post 06 May 2011 20:15

Avatar Teram
Posts: 1
More specifically a question for diamondtear and your weapon choice.

I saw previously you were using the Heroic version of Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King, but have recently switched to a weapon with zero spirit, one of the random drops from Al'akir. In fact it isn't even currently enchanted with Heartsong. Is this because of the 4pc bonus just being so much constant spirit that you don't need the extra spirit on your weapon anymore? I was under the impression that Heartsong was better than Power Torrent in almost all situations.

To take the question to a more general aspect, which of the two non-random stat weapons do you (or anyone else that reads the boards) find more appealing? In my personal case, I probably won't have access to the 4pc heroic bonus for about a month.

Andoros - Reforging 44 mastery into haste
Twilights Hammer - Reforging 44 crit into spirit



Re: Holy Paladin Weapon Choices

Post 07 May 2011 05:58

User avatarDiamondTear
Posts: 317
Armory is bugged and isn't showing the spirit. You should know that it has some because it's called ...undertow.