Demo Haste vs Mastery (No Chalice)

Demo Haste vs Mastery (No Chalice)

Post 22 Aug 2011 17:15

Avatar Alorol
Posts: 1
Hello, my guild is about to start H rag attempts (10 man) and i am currently in the process of obtaining the Moonwell Chalice. Something i have been wondering for awhile is if mastery is more valuable than haste even without the Chalice. I have seen many posts around saying go crazy with mastery, and some saying go haste until you get the chalice then go mastery. I'm wondering what your guys input is.

Armory link: ... rol/simple

World of Logs Baleroc (With the exact gear as in my armory) ... 27&e=10394

^Could not be in melee range for shadowflame + immo aura.

This also brings me to another question. In heroic rag my understanding is that a very important part of the fight is pushing to p4 before getting the third set of meteors. Would this mean that i should stack mastery anyway without the chalice because i will be in Meta for a good amount of p3 with bloodlust and a pot. Or would haste be more beneficial. Thank you for your time.