Slight dps increase

Slight dps increase

Post 14 Sep 2011 05:33

Avatar Metrius
Posts: 18
Location: Maryland
Probably not the most important of questions; however, i've just been curious. Currently playing affliction i have reforged and geared (to the best of my ability and luck) to gain the two extra ua crits (30% haste). Basically, I was just wondering if once reaching these amounts of haste if glyph of UA should be swapped out for agony and/or should i be using agony on single target fights (currently using doom until < 1 minute of the fight then swapping to agony, respectively, and also obviously not clipping doom). As stated previously, i'm sure it wont be the biggest increase but just wondering.
Also, if you would like to take a quick glance at some logs and gearing i'll take whatever help i can get, if any. (using hit food to cap hit; 17.06% with food)


Re: Slight dps increase

Post 14 Sep 2011 06:07

User avatarHermanni
Posts: 341
1) Judging from the amount of bad gems and enchants you have to use, I honestly don't think reaching 30% haste is worth it. You should check it yourself though,

2) Doom acts like all other DoTs except it doesn't scale with spell haste. If you recast it when it has less than 15 seconds remaining, no tick will be lost. In your sample log you let Doom drop completely every time. Only time you should let Doom fully drop is when you cast it under heavy modifiers (trinket procs/Demon Soul/Volcanic Potion) that aren't available, and you should always try to aim to re-cast with as much modifiers as possible as you have a luxurious 15-second window for it. You can pretty safely disregard Bane of Agony entirely in single-target.

3) Use Rune of Zeth, it allows you to always cast Bane of Doom with the trinket proc up.

4) Don't use Hit food.