Shadowpriest, 3481 hastecap or not

Shadowpriest, 3481 hastecap or not

Post 28 Dec 2011 00:43

Avatar Valmathi
Posts: 1

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

My question is very simple. At the moment, I have 3331 haste rating, and have the option to swap out +40 ints with +20int+20 haste ones to hit the 3481 haste breakpoint. As you are aware, that'll grant me one additional tick of SW:P.

I'm wondering about your thoughts on this.

- Valmathi

Re: Shadowpriest, 3481 hastecap or not

Post 31 Mar 2012 03:34

User avatarMílfshake
Posts: 1
Why would u go for extra ticks on SW:P if ur Mind Flay resets it all the time ^^
I would say too much haste xD.

Re: Shadowpriest, 3481 hastecap or not

Post 31 Mar 2012 04:47

User avatarKyy
Posts: 158
Mílfshake wrote:Why would u go for extra ticks on SW:P if ur Mind Flay resets it all the time ^^
I would say too much haste xD.

pretty much this, also out of curiosity can you post your armory?

Hating with passion