• China trip blogs

    As promised, all of our six members traveling to China will be updating their own blogs from the trip. For those who are interested in reading what's going on in ChangSha and Beijing will get almost daily updates from us in form of text and of course pictures. The blogs will be linked to this post when the people make their first entry. If you meet us during the trip please share your experiences and possible pictures in this news topic. See you in China.


    Member blogs:

    xenophics' blog

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011 - 21:02
  • Recruitment is open

    We'd like to remind all the Finnish speaking players out there that we are always looking for talented players to join the raiding team. At the moment is especially good time to apply - if you got interested keep the following in mind:


    Paragon is a full Finnish guild so this part will be in Finnish. If you can't understand the following text, you do NOT have any chance of joining Paragon.


    Meillä ei tällä hetkellä ole pakottavaa tarvetta uusille jäsenille, mutta lupaaville rekryille annamme mahdollisuuden näyttää mihin pystyy.


    Saturday, April 2, 2011 - 19:12
    Tags: recruiting
  • Happy April Fool's

    Happy April Fool's everybody! We had a lot of fun this year (as well) thinking about something that might amuse the community. This time we set out to make a whole new encounter of our liking, and Ragnaros was a perfect target as he'll be the next end boss in Firelands.

    Saturday, April 2, 2011 - 13:19
  • Firelands Sneak Peek: Ragnaros, the Firelord

    (April Fools' 2011)

    As many of you have been suspecting, we have been playing on Blizzard’s private Test Realm (pTR) for quite some time now doing specialized raid encounter testing. We have had the chance to test all of the 7 encounters in the Firelands raid instance coming in patch 4.2, and wanted to give a small sneak peek of the upcoming content.

    Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 23:04
    Tags: ptr, ragnaros
  • Logo competition Winner and new Paragon logo announced

    Paragon's logo competition submissions has been closed for a couple of days, and we have kept you waiting for our decision on the winner. Sorry. We have finally made up our minds, and believe me, it was a process that took three votes, public discussion between our members and other hazzle. It definitely wasn't easy or fast.

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 22:01
  • World of Warcraft Summit in China

    The Chinese guild Dream has invited Paragon, For the Horde, Stars and several other guilds and fans to a gettogether. Obviously our European friends accepted and will be heading off to China just a little over a week from now to absorb some of the culture and enjoy the sites. I wonder if Orgrimmar and Stormwind look different from China.

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - 14:08
  • Facebook and Twitter

    If you are more of a social media type of person, Paragon has finally created (and updated) profiles to both Facebook and Twitter. Want to get updates of Paragon's activite some other way? Head to Facebook and/or Twitter and got onto it.



    Saturday, March 26, 2011 - 12:53
