Manaflask and WoW Insider interviews

Such good times interview wise! WoW Insider recently published an interview with our Holy Paladin Diamondtear. After it was published wow forums started talking about some hot topics dt brought up, like holy paladin mastery or the state of shamans a few months ago. Check out the interview here if you want to know more.


Also Manaflask published an interesting article about us, our alts and raid stacking. The article is also published on our site, but you can head to Manaflask to see the original one. There will also be a part 2 where we discuss one spesific situation where our alts came handy; Heroic Nefarian - so stay tuned for that.


Heehee... the all-business DT. That just makes me giggle.

But as usual, very nicely done, guys! Yes, even you, DT.