Healing with PvP gear

Healing with PvP gear

Post 05 Aug 2011 03:53

Avatar jeezus
Posts: 1
I just joined a good raiding guild on our server "Magnanimous" for a short time. The leader wanted to inspect me and said he didn't want me because I had a few pvp pieces. I did the math and the 371 Vicious gear gives more intellect and spirit and is just missing 1 secondary stat. I know it is generally frowned upon but why? I can heal just as good if not better than people with my gear quality because I know what I'm doing. I have healed raids multiple times and do more HPS and healing done (if im not with a resto druid -_-) than the other healers who are more PvE geared than me. I just don't understand why people are so against it. For pieces like bracers there isn't much choice and I have been outrolled on the head and shoulder tokens multiple times, /sigh.

my armory
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/h ... BCs/simple
blah i need professions i know

Re: Healing with PvP gear

Post 05 Aug 2011 04:28

Avatar Cyvus
Posts: 133
You're a Priest named Jesus...

That is fantastic.


Re: Healing with PvP gear

Post 05 Aug 2011 13:05

User avatarDiamondTear
Posts: 317
Maybe he sees that since you don't have PvE gear, you don't have PvE experience and that you'd rather spend your time PvPing than getting it.