New site

We are proud to present our new website. A huge thanks to for all the marvellous work they've done.


NOTE: Due to the incredibly tight schedule we had, Internet Explorer isn't fully supported yet. It will get fixed in the upcoming days. There might also be some bugs and other weird things going on, but please be patient.


The site will evolve during next few months when more features and content will be added. The focus of the site will continue to be about us, Paragon, and what is it like to raid in the guild.


We'll post small news updates about our progress on Cataclysm, if you want to follow us closer you can join our IRC channel #Paragon @ Quakenet.


And overall a pretty design with simple features.
Please just don't overdo it like the fail coders at ensidia etc.
Less is more!

I really like the sort of "cata theme", not like the old ones were bad or anything. Simple and light, i like.

Nice to see the new page finally online. Good idea to launch it at the Cataclysm release but also a lot more time pressure on those who have to get it online.

Should mention that people can also follow Paragon on Facebook if they wish to.

bring back old forums :)

I wish you would've seen some of the other designs. Sadly enough, the new WoW community site looked strikingly similar. Had to scrap a ton of _really_ cool stuff.

Everything is still pretty much in alpha stages, expect a lot of stuff to be added and fixes to be made.

I could help but reply to this :)

We are aware of several issues with and we're actively going to fix them. We are also aware that our site lacks something of a clear focus or direction, and this is also something we're hoping to improve on.

For more thoughs about Manaflask and our development please check my Dev Blog here, and tell me how to stop being a "fail coder".

I don't think fail is the appropriate term in this case. I guess it comes down to preferences on design, functionality and content. I personally enjoy the recruit interviews on but other than that the page is not really much appealing to me in terms of design. Content wise I cover my WoW news with MMO Champion and since I learn towards Paragon in terms of support, I don't have a lot of need for

Nevertheless, fail is the wrong term. Try to get the focus and direction you are lacking right now as you pointed out yourself. You have to know what you are. Clanpage. Newspage. Communitypage. Being all of it together is tough and might demand more effort from guild members than they are willing to give outside of the game. Some will. Others won't.

Nice drupal site.. And ussing cs3 is not a good idea until IE9 comes out but what ever... Who cares about IE when there are other explorers :D